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Shocking drug stats

Prescription drug abuse is on the rise in the United States, and more and more young people are succumbing to prescription drug addiction. It's important to monitor your own prescriptions as well as those of family members. If you have medication that is unused, make sure that it is properly disposed of so that it does not become a temptation to someone else.

shocking drug stats


Here in Greenville, SC, Project Rx: A River Remedy hold drug take back events in the fall and spring. If you missed the recent take-back event in October, be on the lookout for the spring event. It's important to dispose of unwanted medications properly. Flushing medications down the toilet or pouring them down the drain is now DISCOURAGED due to the detrimental environmental effects on our rivers and streams. Help protect yourself, your loved ones, and your environment!

American Dental AssociationAcademy Of General Dentistry